Are Mollies aggressive fish?

Mollies are not very aggressive, but can protect themselves, so they are suitable tank mates for almost all tropical community tank fish. Mollies, like Guppies, can be acclimated to full strength sea water.Click to see full answer. Subsequently, one may also ask, what kind of fish can live with Mollies? Molly fish can live with

Mollies are not very aggressive, but can protect themselves, so they are suitable tank mates for almost all tropical community tank fish. Mollies, like Guppies, can be acclimated to full strength sea water.Click to see full answer. Subsequently, one may also ask, what kind of fish can live with Mollies? Molly fish can live with the following in the same tank: Platy. Siamese Fighting Fish. Neon Tetra. Goldfish. Angelfish. Southern Platyfish. Oscar. Suckermouth Catfish. Additionally, are Mollies schooling fish? Mollies are not schooling fish they are shoaling fish. Shoaling is kinda like a social group they like to have company but can live alone. Similarly one may ask, do Mollies kill other fish? Mollies are much bigger than guppies, so when the molly attacks the guppy he is able to kill the rival guppy and go on with his day. If a female doesn’t want to mate she will sometimes get attacked by the male in which case a larger molly female would strike back and kill a male guppy suitor.Are black mollies aggressive fish?Black Mollies are generally a peaceful community fish, but multiple males kept in the same tank can become aggressive, and females which are outnumbered by males will tend to be harassed. It is often thought that Black Mollies are best served in Brackish waters, but that’s not the case at all.

