The Nominative case is the case that contains the subject of a sentence. The Accusative case is the case that contains the direct object of a sentence. You probably won’t see much of this until you reach the accusative pronouns lesson. The accusative is what is receiving the action of the nominative.Click to see full answer. Similarly, you may ask, how can you tell the difference between nominative and accusative?The article used is ‘die’ as the noun is feminine and in the nominative. The accusative is used for the direct object: the person/thing the verb is acting on- this is the present, the present is the thing being given. The article used is ‘das’ as the noun is neuter and in the accusative.One may also ask, what is the nominative case in German? The nominative case is used for the subject of the sentence. In German the nominative is often referred to as the “who-case” (“der Werfall”) , because you can use the question words “who ” or “ what ” to find out what the subject of the sentence is. For example: The sun is shining. Moreover, what is the difference between nominative and objective case? In language, a nominative generally refers to the subject of a sentence, which is the performer of the verb in the sentence. For example, in the sentence, “The dog ran,” “dog” is the nominative because it’s the performer of the verb “ran.” An objective refers to a recipient or object of a verb or preposition.What is accusative and dative in English? DATIVE AND ACCUSATIVE OBJECTS In the simplest terms, the accusative is the direct object that receives the direct impact of the verb’s action, while the dative is an object that is subject to the verb’s impact in an indirect or incidental manner.