If you understand calculus, then understanding finite math and precalculus is easier, as the latter two are simply what calculus is not. Calculus is the next advanced class after algebra and precalculus, and it introduces students to the great conceptual leaps of differentiation and integration.Click to see full answer. Likewise, people ask, what is the most difficult type of math? So, here are top 10 most tough topics of mathematics that usually students struggle with: Algebra: Calculus: Geometry and topology: Combinatory: Logic: Number Theory: Dynamical Systems & Differential Equations: Mathematical Physics: Secondly, why is precalculus harder than calculus? pre-attending Basically, precalc was 10x harder than calc for me. The reason why is because you will be learning 10x more material in the same time frame. In calculus there are porbably like 4 concepts you learn the whole semester. Keeping this in consideration, what is a finite math class? Finite Mathematics. FINITE MATHEMATICS: Finite Mathematics is an umbrella of mathematical topics. It is a course designed for students who will undertake higher-level mathematics in college that may not include calculus. Finite Math is made up of five strands: Sets, Matrices, Networks, Optimization, and Probability.Is finite math the same as statistics?Statistics uses probability in order to analyze data and make decisions. In Finite Math you will only get a brief introduction and overview of statistics. More advanced courses in Finite Math topics are sometimes called Discrete Mathematics. The word discrete helps explain where Finite Math gets its name.